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We delve into each person’s unique perception of Japan by understanding their personal stories. We explore who they are, what experiences have shaped them, what they feel and don’t feel, and how these elements culminate in their current view of “Japan.” From these life stories, we craft articles and audio content, sharing and disseminating them globally.

We invite readers and listeners to immerse themselves in these diverse life perspectives, encouraging them to paint their own “Japan” in their minds. Here, “Japan” isn’t just a country; it’s a concept, an atmosphere, nature, energy, systems, and stories all woven together.


We continually portray the ever-evolving “Japan.”To achieve this, we create sustainable, self-sufficient art, continuously presenting ways of living and pass on Japan to future generations.


Japan, as a nation, is a hidden realm where destruction and creation occur in cycles, nurturing a unique sensibility like no other. This Japan, in its natural and artificial forms, is fragile. Those who live in, know, and feel this land embody both its richness and poverty every day. If there is a way to preserve such existence, nothing could possibly be more fascinating.

We don’t know what Japan will be like in 10 years, 100 years, or 10,000 years. Yet, if today’s Japan can be conveyed to someone living then, it would be our pleasure.


In order to paint the raw reality of Japan, we will conduct interviews which will turn into articles / podcasts (tidbits) / videos etc. We will also develop monthly projects like debates / illustrating life stories as pictures / street interviews to portray Japan in numerous facades.

Our interview articles are split into 4 sections「起」「承」「転」「日本」. 
起承転結 (ki sho ten ketsu) is a dramatic structure widely used in Japan, with each Kanji letter representing; introduction - development - twist - conclusion. 

Our articles fall under the following sections: 

起 (ki): the beginning of one’s life story. 

承 (sho): exploring midlife. 

転 (ten): current and future. 

日本 (nihon): literally translates to Japan. All interviewees will be asked how they view Japan after reflecting on what they have experienced and conclude the interview. 


Hikaru Yokomori

Chief Executive Artist
Hey there! I'm Hikaru, born on July 7, 2001, in Nairobi, Kenya (Tanabata 🎋✌️). I've had the adventure of living in Guyana, Ghana, and Myanmar, which sparked my love for developing countries and international affairs. At Keio University SFC, I joined the Art & Technology circle and fell in love with the magic of interactive media art. A cool course called Oral History Workshop showed me that interviews can be an art form too! All these amazing experiences led me to start the Young Japan project, where I explore Japan’s unique vibes and the awesome potential of media art.

Seira Mizusawa

Strategic producer
After spending her childhood in the UK and coming back to Japan, starts to question cultural differences between the two countries. Enjoys traveling and listening to others’ life stories. Enthusiastic to be able to share various aspects of Japan and learning new ones on the way. 

Most importantly, hopes you will enjoy the content of Young Japan.

Kaoru Yokomori

Content Director
Hi there!! Thanks for reading our blog and listening to tidbit!! 
I am Kaoru from Young Japan, doing editing and interviewing!!
I hope you enjoy every moment and experience in Young Japan:)
If you’re interested in joining us, please don’t hesitate to contact us!!

Lily Ogawa

Interviewer and Editor
Hi! I’m editing and interviewing for Young Japan! I’ve lived abroad before and I’ve met so many different people. I love hearing other people’s unique stories and I’m so excited to have you read our blogs!

Mayuko Hosokawa

Marketer and Designer
Born in Japan!!! I love Japan!!! I'll express the charm of Japan!!!





私たちは、常に変化し続ける「日本」を描き続けます。 これを実現するために、自律型の持続可能なアートを創り続け、生き方を示し続け、日本を未来の世代へと伝えていきます。









Hikaru Yokomori

Chief Executive Artist
こんにちは!ヒカルです。2001年7月7日、ケニアのナイロビで生まれました(七夕🎋✌️)。ガイアナ、ガーナ、ミャンマーに住んだ経験があり、それが発展途上国と国際問題への興味を引き起こしました。慶應義塾大学SFCでは、アート&テクノロジーサークルに参加し、インタラクティブメディアアートの魔法に夢中になりました。「オーラルヒストリーワークショップ」という素晴らしいコースでは、インタビューが芸術の一形態であることを学びました。これらの素晴らしい経験が、メディアアートの驚くべき可能性と日本のユニークな魅力を探るために「Young Japan」プロジェクトを始めるきっかけとなりました!

Seira Mizusawa

Strategic producer
幼少期をイギリスで過ごし、日本に戻ってからは両国の文化の違いに疑問を抱き始めました。旅行と他人の人生の話を聞くことが大好きです。日本の様々な側面を共有しながら、新しい発見を楽しみにしています。最も重要なのは、「Young Japan」のコンテンツを楽しんでいただけることを願っています。

Kaoru Yokomori

Content Director
私は「Young Japan」のカオルで、編集とインタビューを担当しています!
「Young Japan」でのすべての瞬間と経験を楽しんでいただければ幸いです:)

Lily Ogawa

Interviewer and Editor
こんにちは!私は「Young Japan」で編集とインタビューを担当しています。以前は海外に住んでいて、さまざまな人々に出会いました。他の人々のユニークな話を聞くのが大好きで、皆さんに私たちのブログを読んでいただけることにとてもワクワクしています!

Mayuko Hosokawa

Marketer and Designer


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